Monday, October 31, 2011

Seguir em Frente

Por causa do trabalho tinha tendência a chegar bastante tarde a casa. Ela não gostava que eu chegasse tão tarde e estava sempre a avisar-me sobre isso, mas não o consigo evitar.
Quando finalmente entrei em casa, ela encontrava-se na sala a ver um programa de televisão que eu não reconheci.
“ Eu já jantei não faças nada para mim.” Ela não se levantou para me dar um beijo de boas vindas, sinal de que estava de mau humor. “Ok, queres um chá ou um café que eu faço?” Ela nem se dignou a olhar para mim, até agora só tive o prazer de falar com a nuca dela. “Não obrigado. Vai mas é fazer o teu jantar, ou nem ás três da manha estás na cama.”
Decidi não continuar a conversa, tal era o mal humor que ela parecia largar no ar. Em vez disso dirigi-me á cozinha e comecei a fazer uma refeição rápida, bifinhos de frango grelhados com esparguete e molho de azeite e oregãos a acompanhar.
Já me encontrava a comer quando deixei de ouvir o barulho da televisão, pouco depois ela entrava na cozinha. “Acreditas em fantasmas?” Fiquei a olhar para ela, mas que raio de pergunta era aquela!?
“Não.” Ela parecia ter ficado aborrecida com a minha resposta.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Conto - Velhos Amigos

-----A minha primeira tentativa na escrita de um conto.-----

Velhos Amigos

  “ Isso é normal Marta, já faz quatro anos que não o vês, não te culpes por isso.” João tentava consolar Marta depois de lhe ter dado as noticias que o melhor amigo deles, e noivo dela tinha, caído em batalha.
  "Como é que ele morreu?" Estavam os dois sozinhos na sala da casa de Marta, os pais dela já se tinham retirado para descansar. "Numa batalha." Marta não estava contente com a resposta."Não me vais dizer como?" "Não."

Monday, October 10, 2011

The citys of Amerinthia - Markem in Solace

Markem was firstly founded by a group of traveling salesman, from various countries, when they decided to organize a fair on neutral grounds. They chose Solace as the best country for it because it was a poor and didn't have enemies, it didn’t have any resources worth of fighting for, and their king didn’t put much obstacles to them doing it.

Do to the success of this Fair, which lasted for three months, it was also held on the following years. The King of Solace seeing an opportunity for his country, gathered with the major salesman’s that participated in the fair and proposed that they established a permanent shop in the plains were they made the fair, the costs of the construction would be totally supported by Solace. They accepted.

So a city was created with the name of Markem. On the middle of it there’s a vast plaza with almost 1 kilometer wide, from there 4 roads lead to each of the major cardinal point while slightly curving to the left, around the plaza you can see the shops from the most renown salesman of the time, and with some of the most luxurious inns of the world, from there a maze of shops, houses and smaller inns sprouted. The city was also divided  by ethnicity, people from the northern country’s would settle at the north of the plaza, the southern at the south and so on.  

A artificial river was later created to support the city, the wells started to not be enough to support the ever-growing city, that flowed from north to southeast.

But not everything was great in solace, sandstorms were common since the vegetation was practically nonexistent on those plains, with the creation of the artificial river it was possible to change the horizon but it was still a very hot and arid place to leave.

Seeing all the growth and success of the Markem fair the biggest country's quickly approached Solace to make pacts of nonaggression and of mutual help, Solace proved to be a great place to sell surplus resources without being taxed by the other country’s. This also leaded to peace between the neighboring country’s since they could easily sell and buy resources the most needed resources.

Markem, was a paradise for any salesman but also became a paradise for anyone running from justice. Solace never had an army and now had a pact with many country’s to not raise one, instead they had a small unit of elite soldiers that would receive new recruits from various country’s and would be in charge of training them, but Solace could keep these recruits for a year after them finished training to maintain the peace in the country. While this seemed a good deal for Solace, which didn’t have a population to keep in check the new growing cities that were mostly being occupied by emigrants, it proved to be a double edged sword, even thought they now had the man labor to keep the cities from rioting, with the constant change of personnel they never had experienced personnel to investigate and find the most devious people. 

And so Markem, and Solace in general, was a great place for any criminal seeking refuge.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Qualquer coisa deste tipo.

De pensamento perdido
Vivo a vida aturdido
Pois um passo de cada vez
Não trouxe a minha vez

E por mais que eu tente fazer
Parece que nunca irei ser
Aquele que tem direito
A ser algo mais do que suspeito

Mas agora eu não quer saber
E por isso já estou a correr
Para o diabo com a paciência
A minha vida não é uma ciência

Não voltarás a troçar de mim
Pois ainda não estou no fim
A distancia que nos separa
Já é menor que uma  vara

E eu irei te apanhar
E não, não estás a sonhar
Dá-me só mais um momento
Apenas um pensamento

The grays of black and white.

"I don't live in a black and white world, what is good and evil always depends on perspective, I always find it hilarious how so many people jump to conclusions based on their respective views. But, anyway, the world wouldn't work if most people weren't like that, so I'm not looking to reform anyone I just want to keep both sides alive. Most people think the end of the war means peace, while that's truth it will be only momentarily, supposing that there won't be disputes between the winners regarding territory and even if no disputes arise it's a matter of time until the reason that lead to the first war leads to a second. Although peace is beautiful and great it will in the end brings problem, with peace there's less dead, more people giving birth, and more children growing old, this all looks great but this also brings problems, the increase of population demands more territory for them to settle if this mean evading occupied territory they will do so because it's better than risk death by starvation which bring us to the first war and why it started. Even though our races look different we are exactly the same, we both claim that each other are evil while we are basically doing the same thing, bringing death to each other through war. That brings me to my point and why I don't want the war to end, while both nations are on this stranglehold there's no need for them to expand, because their extra human resources are recruited to the war in a way that both Empires are in some way stabilized. I realize that this might look biased since the country's engulfed by war are suffering the most but is either that or having a Empire win, this might look good if your side wins but it will only end on new factions being formed and new wars started. What keeps this two Empires united is the war itself, neither of the countrys on each side would have a good reason to stay allied with no enemys in common.
And doesn't matter how much you strugle, war itself is engulfed on human nature."