Thursday, December 29, 2011

A lesson on the Magic system by Master Monty

There's a misconception running around the common people that Magic is only for some. While it's true that some have better skills than others, everyone can do magic to some extent.

But before I get further in this let's get a insight on the Magic itself.

Magic is divided into four elements Earth, Wind, Fire and Water. You can either use them one by one or in some kind of combination.

But to use magic you have to give something of you. Abusing it might lead to death if you aren't careful about ii.

When you use Earth you start losing body fat. While some people consider this a miracle of fitness it's extremely dangerous to do so in huge amounts, you will experience muscle pain, fevers, lack of strength etc..

To use Wind you need to give the air  that you breathe, what I mean is that you will experience a lack of air
when you do it, in severe cases of abuse you won't be able to breathe and die.

Water drains blood out of you, abuse of it brings the same symptoms of severe blood loss.

Fire drains your warmth, abuse of it might lead to a small cold or an ice statue.

Between these elements the most commonly used is Wind, since it's the one that represent less risks and everyone dedicated to magic explores it to some degree. But while it's the element easier to use it's also the weakest, there's not many Mages that dedicate themselves only to air.

Next on the list is Earth. It's very popular between knights who use it to strength their armor and weapons.

Fire and Water comes next, they lose to the other elements because you need access to either a reagent for fire or water for Water. While it's possible to use fire without a combustible it takes a huge toll on the user, and while water is somewhat everywhere, gathering an amount that you need to use some kind of skill might leave you unable to do anything else. This is of course irrelevant if you have access to the element itself in huge amounts.

Now, as I was saying at the beginning, everyone can use Magic to some extent. Every person has an inbuilt wall that doesn't let you abuse magic, some are higher than the others. What Mages do is to break that wall

 A Mage can go behind that inbuilt protection and keep using Magic, but this requires an understanding of how far you can go to not pass a wall that you can never recover from.

So to conclude this, how much power and time you can use Magic depends on your limits. The limit is found by experience, going a little farther every time until you find a threshold that if you pass won't be able to recover from. There's many Mage's that die when trying to go a little farther.

So be careful.

Master Monty Marks

Friday, December 02, 2011

Lyrics for Grateful by Shonsta

I made some lyrics for this music.

20 secs - I never thought that I wouldn't see you again
And, i still hope that someday you will forgive me

Because I never had the time to thank you
For all the things you had to do to

Help me get out of the messes I made
Without even needing asking you

I'm so grateful for all the things you have done for me
And, i still hope that someday you will forgive me

1min 54sec- Because I never had the time to thank you
For all the things you had to do to
Help me get out of the messes I made
Without even needing asking you

If you like the music give it a thumbs up.

Friday, November 11, 2011

As Palavras Numa Imagem

            Na rotina de todos os seus dias, João ia sempre até ao parque junto há margem do rio, onde se sentava num banco para relaxar. Cumpria isto como um ritual, nunca lhe dava grande importância e raramente se lembrava do que fazia durante este,  entrava numa espécie de transe que lhe movia a consciência para qualquer outra realidade.
Durante um deste momentos, em que olhava para o céu procurando algo que não se encontrava lá, uma mulher se sentou ao seu lado sem ele se aperceber.
“Magnifico este pôr de sol, não é.” Puxado do seu transe por uma força exterior João apercebeu-se que não estava sozinho. A seu lado tinha uma mulher morena e elegante que tinha iniciado uma conversa com ele, um desconhecido. “Acho que posso dizer que sim.”
“Não parece muito convencido.” E não estava, João olhava em sua volta mas não via nada que fizesse aquele pôr de sol diferente dos outros. “Penso que já tive a oportunidade de ver melhores.”
“Não posso dizer o mesmo. Acho que isto é o melhor que posso ter.” João não compreendeu o que ela queria dizer com aquilo.
“Não é muito difícil ver melhor. Mais ou menos daqui a meia hora as luzes da cidade vão ser ligadas, estas irão ser refletidas pelas águas do rio, o barulho do transito irá diminuir até poder ouvir  o barulho do mar, bandos de gaivotas virão do mar voando para longe daquele fundo vermelho, arauto de destruição, trespassando as paredes de luz da cidade como se não fossem mais do que uma miragem.  Os seu cantos se farão ouvir acompanhados pelas ondas do mar, e no fim talvez o barulho de transito deixe de ser barulho e faça parte da sinfonia.” João olhou para o céu. “ E no entanto se fechar os olhos talvez consiga imaginar algo ainda mais bonito. Porque num mundo de faz de conta a realidade é apenas um mito.”
Ela não disse nada. No estado imóvel em que se encontrava, parecia ter sido hipnotizada. Os óculos escuros que ela tinha não permitiam a João saber para onde ela estava olhar por causa daqueles óculos escuros que ela usava, pois embora o seu corpo parecesse uma estátua, os seus olhos poderiam percorrer quilómetros.
“Um cêntimo pelos teus pensamentos.” João quebrou o silêncio que se tinha imposto entre eles. “Peço desculpa, estava a desfrutar o momento. Não é todos os dias que recebo uma resposta para além do sim ou o está muito bonito. Deveras agradável.”
“Vem aqui muitas vezes para encontrar o cenário que descreveu?” João já não sabia o que aquela mulher pretendia, a pergunta parecia inocente mas ele não se sentia confortável em dar pormenores da sua rotina a uma desconhecida. “Venho de vez em quando, embora o meu motivo não seja esse mas apenas o da molenguice.” Ela sorriu.
“A minha boleia chegou.” João olhou na direção de onde ouviu um carro a buzinar. Um carro azul parado junto há estrada parecia ter sido o autor. “E eu que estava a gostar tanto da conversa.” Disse João secamente.
Ela sorriu e levantou-se. João reparou que ela agora segurava uma bengala na mão direita. “Estava a pensar no que tinha dito e penso que tem razão. No mundo de faz de conta a realidade não passa de um mito, porque lá ainda posso ver.”
“Foi um prazer ouvi-lo, boa noite.” João não lhe respondeu, limitou-se a segui-la com os olhos até ao carro e a vê-lo desaparecer num ponto do horizonte.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Seguir em Frente

Por causa do trabalho tinha tendência a chegar bastante tarde a casa. Ela não gostava que eu chegasse tão tarde e estava sempre a avisar-me sobre isso, mas não o consigo evitar.
Quando finalmente entrei em casa, ela encontrava-se na sala a ver um programa de televisão que eu não reconheci.
“ Eu já jantei não faças nada para mim.” Ela não se levantou para me dar um beijo de boas vindas, sinal de que estava de mau humor. “Ok, queres um chá ou um café que eu faço?” Ela nem se dignou a olhar para mim, até agora só tive o prazer de falar com a nuca dela. “Não obrigado. Vai mas é fazer o teu jantar, ou nem ás três da manha estás na cama.”
Decidi não continuar a conversa, tal era o mal humor que ela parecia largar no ar. Em vez disso dirigi-me á cozinha e comecei a fazer uma refeição rápida, bifinhos de frango grelhados com esparguete e molho de azeite e oregãos a acompanhar.
Já me encontrava a comer quando deixei de ouvir o barulho da televisão, pouco depois ela entrava na cozinha. “Acreditas em fantasmas?” Fiquei a olhar para ela, mas que raio de pergunta era aquela!?
“Não.” Ela parecia ter ficado aborrecida com a minha resposta.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Conto - Velhos Amigos

-----A minha primeira tentativa na escrita de um conto.-----

Velhos Amigos

  “ Isso é normal Marta, já faz quatro anos que não o vês, não te culpes por isso.” João tentava consolar Marta depois de lhe ter dado as noticias que o melhor amigo deles, e noivo dela tinha, caído em batalha.
  "Como é que ele morreu?" Estavam os dois sozinhos na sala da casa de Marta, os pais dela já se tinham retirado para descansar. "Numa batalha." Marta não estava contente com a resposta."Não me vais dizer como?" "Não."

Monday, October 10, 2011

The citys of Amerinthia - Markem in Solace

Markem was firstly founded by a group of traveling salesman, from various countries, when they decided to organize a fair on neutral grounds. They chose Solace as the best country for it because it was a poor and didn't have enemies, it didn’t have any resources worth of fighting for, and their king didn’t put much obstacles to them doing it.

Do to the success of this Fair, which lasted for three months, it was also held on the following years. The King of Solace seeing an opportunity for his country, gathered with the major salesman’s that participated in the fair and proposed that they established a permanent shop in the plains were they made the fair, the costs of the construction would be totally supported by Solace. They accepted.

So a city was created with the name of Markem. On the middle of it there’s a vast plaza with almost 1 kilometer wide, from there 4 roads lead to each of the major cardinal point while slightly curving to the left, around the plaza you can see the shops from the most renown salesman of the time, and with some of the most luxurious inns of the world, from there a maze of shops, houses and smaller inns sprouted. The city was also divided  by ethnicity, people from the northern country’s would settle at the north of the plaza, the southern at the south and so on.  

A artificial river was later created to support the city, the wells started to not be enough to support the ever-growing city, that flowed from north to southeast.

But not everything was great in solace, sandstorms were common since the vegetation was practically nonexistent on those plains, with the creation of the artificial river it was possible to change the horizon but it was still a very hot and arid place to leave.

Seeing all the growth and success of the Markem fair the biggest country's quickly approached Solace to make pacts of nonaggression and of mutual help, Solace proved to be a great place to sell surplus resources without being taxed by the other country’s. This also leaded to peace between the neighboring country’s since they could easily sell and buy resources the most needed resources.

Markem, was a paradise for any salesman but also became a paradise for anyone running from justice. Solace never had an army and now had a pact with many country’s to not raise one, instead they had a small unit of elite soldiers that would receive new recruits from various country’s and would be in charge of training them, but Solace could keep these recruits for a year after them finished training to maintain the peace in the country. While this seemed a good deal for Solace, which didn’t have a population to keep in check the new growing cities that were mostly being occupied by emigrants, it proved to be a double edged sword, even thought they now had the man labor to keep the cities from rioting, with the constant change of personnel they never had experienced personnel to investigate and find the most devious people. 

And so Markem, and Solace in general, was a great place for any criminal seeking refuge.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Qualquer coisa deste tipo.

De pensamento perdido
Vivo a vida aturdido
Pois um passo de cada vez
Não trouxe a minha vez

E por mais que eu tente fazer
Parece que nunca irei ser
Aquele que tem direito
A ser algo mais do que suspeito

Mas agora eu não quer saber
E por isso já estou a correr
Para o diabo com a paciência
A minha vida não é uma ciência

Não voltarás a troçar de mim
Pois ainda não estou no fim
A distancia que nos separa
Já é menor que uma  vara

E eu irei te apanhar
E não, não estás a sonhar
Dá-me só mais um momento
Apenas um pensamento

The grays of black and white.

"I don't live in a black and white world, what is good and evil always depends on perspective, I always find it hilarious how so many people jump to conclusions based on their respective views. But, anyway, the world wouldn't work if most people weren't like that, so I'm not looking to reform anyone I just want to keep both sides alive. Most people think the end of the war means peace, while that's truth it will be only momentarily, supposing that there won't be disputes between the winners regarding territory and even if no disputes arise it's a matter of time until the reason that lead to the first war leads to a second. Although peace is beautiful and great it will in the end brings problem, with peace there's less dead, more people giving birth, and more children growing old, this all looks great but this also brings problems, the increase of population demands more territory for them to settle if this mean evading occupied territory they will do so because it's better than risk death by starvation which bring us to the first war and why it started. Even though our races look different we are exactly the same, we both claim that each other are evil while we are basically doing the same thing, bringing death to each other through war. That brings me to my point and why I don't want the war to end, while both nations are on this stranglehold there's no need for them to expand, because their extra human resources are recruited to the war in a way that both Empires are in some way stabilized. I realize that this might look biased since the country's engulfed by war are suffering the most but is either that or having a Empire win, this might look good if your side wins but it will only end on new factions being formed and new wars started. What keeps this two Empires united is the war itself, neither of the countrys on each side would have a good reason to stay allied with no enemys in common.
And doesn't matter how much you strugle, war itself is engulfed on human nature."

Monday, September 19, 2011

What are you looking for

While I’m waiting at the station
There’s a sudden surge of realization
Is this really where I should be
Is this is how it’s supposed to be

Because I don’t know anymore
If I should sail on or drift ashore
If I should Dream and still wait for you
Or just run away, away from you

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Random story 1st Chapter page 20 to 25 end

-Don’t even remember me about it.
-You look quite a mess, the worst is your hair. – Jane felt embarrassed, she had a routine for taking care of her hair - Don’t feel down, it’s mostly on me since I’m quite picky at that stuff and I’m not the nicest of people on the mornings.
-Ok. –she said in a murmur.
-Let’s get to work then. –john said while touching her shoulder to reaffirm that he didn’t mean harm.
The day passed with john mostly reading files and Jane providing whatever he wanted while trashing data that was no longer necessary. At the middle of the morning Marc showed up at the office.

Thursday, June 09, 2011

Random Story 1st Chapter Page 16 to 20

John was surprised to see that everyone was waiting outside the meeting room, maybe he got out of the hook by some strange coincidence but it was strange since Marcus called him.
-Marcus his waiting for you inside. – A middle aged woman said to him, she was Marcus secretary and she had the look of someone who was all about work.
-I’m in that big of a trouble? – John asked half joking.
-I was only told to welcome you inside. – She said.
That deemed no good, and the stares from the other people around didn’t give him a better perspective, he hadn’t much time to think about it as Marcus secretary opened the door for him. Marcus wasn’t alone and unfortunately he knew the other man that was there.

Monday, May 09, 2011

Moving on

I’m not looking for perfection
Only a little bit of affection
That will get me down this road
And soften a little bit of my load

Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Random Story 1st Chapter Page 11 to 15

You are a jerk you know!? – When Jane realized what she had said to her new boss, she immediately wanted apologize but John talked before she could.
-You are not the first and won’t surely be the last to call me that, so just relax I won’t fire you or anything like that.
-Thanks, I guess. – Joana shyly said.
-I guess it’s time for us to go. See you later. –said john while extending is hand to compliment Antonio.

Friday, April 22, 2011


It has been a long while
Since the last I came back here
I have missed that lovely smile
That would bring me down to a tear

I know that old looking tree
It was where we used to meet
When we were young and free
It was there we loved to seat

Thursday, April 07, 2011

Random Story Chapter 1 Page 6 to 10

-I guess it’s around time we get home, right Helen? – It was already 1 a.m.
-Anyway we are going to after all we have to work tomorrow. We will have the opportunity to have this again. – said Marcus.
-You know I’m always at your disposable when my boss pays for dinner. – john joked.
-Is that a thing to say!? If I were your boss I would make you clean toilette's in the next day. – said Helen, which made the other three smile.
-Good thing you aren’t. – said john.
-And yet I can still make you clean the toilette.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Random Story Chapter 1 Page 4 and 5

-No need to apologize, I have missed that attitude of his.
-I wish I could the same.
-Hey, hey I’m here remember?
-And I make your breakfast remember?
-Who’s the jerk now?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Random Story Chapter 1 Page 2 and 3

- Well at least this time you didn’t say it was crappy, well anyway from now on you will be in charge of buying me new ties.
- What!?
- Punishment for making fun of them, next time think twice before it…

Monday, March 07, 2011

Random Story 1st Chapter 1st page

Well this is a story that I started writing in hope to improve my English writing skill, so don’t expect detailed descriptions of places or characters I just make them as I go without any previous work on them which may end with them looking superfluous.
Anyway as I said, I’m doing this mostly to improve my writing skills (and hopefully other stuff) so if you spot something wrong or that you think would sound better when said in other words please leave a comment.
Thereby I leave here my thanks.

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Olhando para a janela
Vejo o reflexo dela
No meio do turbilhão
Que parece ser a minha situação
Para a qual não tenho solução


O meu sol não encontro
Nem tão pouco aquele monstro
Que tem a alma de um potro

Monday, February 14, 2011


Sleepiness nights might come
When you are away from home
Wandering around for so long
Looking for a place where you belong

Rainy Days

The rain is knocking at my door
While I’m laying on the floor
I’m dazed by the sound
Of water hitting the ground
It reminds me of the past

One Sided

Would you care?
If I wasn’t there
At the place we both share
But you seem to be elsewhere


It was here we first met
In a sunny cloudy day
The future seemed set
But after all it had to sway